Black Nova Selected as Vendor Partner by HTSA Group


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Milano, Italy – Apr. 7, 2023

We are excited to announce that HTSA has chosen to add Black Nova to its exclusive list of vendor partners.
This partnership is a testament to our expertise, quality, and commitment to excellence in Design, Technology, and Innovation,
This commitment provides the best possible user experience crossing all senses and dimensions. Sophisticated Italian Design and innovative technology are seamlessly blended to deliver an exquisite and enchanted object, both intuitive and pleasing to see and use.
As a vendor partner, we look forward to providing HTSA with the highest level of service and support. Our team is dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that meet and exceed their expectations, and we are honored to have the opportunity to work with such a reputable organization.
“We believe this partnership will enrich all parties involved,” said Maria-Amaya Ferrari, VP of Sales and Marketing for Black Nova. “We trust HTSA members will benefit from accessing our amazing Smart Design Collections and have the opportunity to leverage on a unique and design driven product portfolio.”
“Thank you to our customers and partners for their continued support and trust in our company. We are excited for this new partnership and look forward to the opportunities it brings.” Olav Beruto, CEO of Black Nova, added.
We will show case our Smart Design Collections at the upcoming HTSA Spring conference in Las Vegas, April 17-20. Looking forward to meeting your there.